One of the questions we get most often is “Do you pierce baby and children’s earlobes”? The answer is an enthusiastic YES! We are happy to pierce Baby and Children with mom or dad present, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. (Parents will need to bring their ID and their child’s birth certificate, passport, id card, Show online school ie: Infinite Campus, power school). If Child is with a guardian we will need to see court documents showing this information. Children’s earlobe piercing is one of the most rewarding services we offer. It is a privilege to get kids started out right: with a safe piercing, implant grade jewelry, attention to placement, but above all else- a focus on a positive experience.
In recent years, parents have become more and more wary about having their children’s ears pierced with a reusable “piercing gun”. We think that wariness is well placed. The Association of Professional Piercers says, “While piercing guns may seem to be a quick, easy and convenient way of creating holes, they have major drawbacks in terms of sterility, tissue damage and inappropriate jewelry design”.
Ear piercings at Pink Elephant are performed the same way any of our piercings are. We use sterilized implant grade body jewelry, and sterile, single use needles and tools to perform the piercing. We don’t believe there is a safe ear-piercing gun design, so we never use ear piercing guns.
The jewelry we use is, either implant grade steel butterfly backs without sharp ends, or implant grade titanium flat-back style jewelry.
We believe this is a very important question, and one that we have a responsibility to answer honestly. Sugar coating the answer never truly helps. “Yes. It’s a lot like getting a shot at the doctor”. It isn’t bad though! Most of our young clients leave smiling and proud of themselves. For others, it can be a bit tougher. No matter what, our piercing staff is there to guide the whole family through the process and make it as easy as possible.
Best way is to make sure your child (that is old enough) is empowered to clean the piercings, as well as communication problems with you. If they are not old enough to do so making sure you as the parent are up to the duties of helping with the cleaning process daily. We are here to help and can put a nervous parents mind at ease. That said if you believe you see a legitimate infection, see a doctor immediately.
We need to take precautions against touching, removing, or changing jewelry while the piercing is healing.
The complications we see most often is moisture related. We recommend against sleeping with wet hair, as this can cause irritation to the healing process. We have found that a buildup of moisture is the most common issue with children’s earlobe piercings. Moisture results in a telltale “bump” on the back of the ear (sometimes on the side of the piercing next to the neck, sometimes on the exit of the piercing). This bump does not respond to changes in the material (a material reaction would look like blisters on both sides of the piercing). The most common fix for this is doing our absolute best to prevent children from having wet hair for long periods of time and wiping the back of the ear with a rubbing alcohol swab to encourage the driest environment possible.
The good news is true infection is extremely unlikely. In general, the small problems that can creep up on us are usually easily fixed with small adjustments to aftercare. We strongly encourage clients with questions or concerns to come in for check ups or even if everything is going great, but you still just want to check in to be sure.
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If the piercing is not listed in the age group we do not perform that piercing for that age.
Can receive Earlobes
12 Years & Up
Earlobes, Helix (outer cartilage)
14 Years & Up
Ear Cartilage (Helix, conch, tragus, rook, daith, forward helix) Nose, Septum, Eyebrow, Navel, Lip
16 Years & Up
All previous mentions, Industrial, Tongue, snug, anti-tragus
18 Years & Up
All previous mentions, Nipples, Dermals (Appointment only - Mark)
If a piercing is not listed we do not perform it. ie: Smiley, snake eyes, frog eyes, webs of any kind