We have 2 tattoo artists here at Pink Elephant, We pride ourselves in being a custom shop, and truly care about our end results. If you have an idea in mind and it might not work the way you hope, we will work with you to explain and help you understand what would make it better. We care about the longevity and full life of the artwork.
We specialize in non laser and now laser tattoo removal. If you click on the removal page drop down, you can see progress work from both styles and learn about the process for both. Mark and Luke take care of the tattoo removal process. Stop in or call to set up a time to talk with them about the process and estimate.
We have 2 piercers here at Pink Elephant, Mark and Emily, and 2 Piercing apprentices Danny and Haysle. We pierce baby and kids ear lobes, as well as lots of other ear piercings, facial piercings, navels, and nipples. Stop in and talk with one of the piercers to get something fun!
Also see piercing drop down for more information.
We understand that this can be a fun family affair, and we dont want to discourge anyone the children want to be here from coming. Something to keep in mind though is sometimes the kids do better with less eyes on them. Especially other kids or siblings. We know sometimes it's necessary for them to join. If it's not necessary its better for them to stay home. We will never say someone cant be with them if the kids want them there. If extra kids do join please keep in mind other people are getting tattooed and artist are working and concentrating.
You can email the artist and piercers directly, their emails are on their individual page. Otherwise you can email the shop email pinkelephanttattoo@me.com for general questions.
Open today | 11:00 am – 08:00 pm |
We are open 7 days a week.
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